The Father's Comfort
Comfort is a major theme throughout the Bible. I don't believe it is a topic we study, rather it is a powerful emotion we experience. Comfort heals our broken heart, it deals with our trauma and grief, and it sets our heart free to live in the glorious freedom of the sons of God.
Click here for the article
Click here for the video and audio recordings
(For another series of video teachings look at Part 2)
Comfort is a major theme throughout the Bible. I don't believe it is a topic we study, rather it is a powerful emotion we experience. Comfort heals our broken heart, it deals with our trauma and grief, and it sets our heart free to live in the glorious freedom of the sons of God.
Click here for the article
Click here for the video and audio recordings
(For another series of video teachings look at Part 2)

The Price of Love
In our pursuit of the Father and his love for us we must not make the error of devaluing the price he paid to restore our relationship with him. This article addresses the growing distraction of universal salvation and shows how it is not rooted in Scripture.
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In our pursuit of the Father and his love for us we must not make the error of devaluing the price he paid to restore our relationship with him. This article addresses the growing distraction of universal salvation and shows how it is not rooted in Scripture.
Click here for the article

In Christ
In Paul's letters, he uses this phrase a number of times. He is not, however, introducing a new teaching but is simply building on the foundation which Jesus laid. In John 14, Jesus explains to his disciples that he is in the Father, the Father is in him and we are drawn into this oneness and union. When we understand, in our hearts, that we are 'in Christ' we will start to live from a heavenly perspective.
Click here for the article
In Paul's letters, he uses this phrase a number of times. He is not, however, introducing a new teaching but is simply building on the foundation which Jesus laid. In John 14, Jesus explains to his disciples that he is in the Father, the Father is in him and we are drawn into this oneness and union. When we understand, in our hearts, that we are 'in Christ' we will start to live from a heavenly perspective.
Click here for the article

A Season of Shaking
A time of change is often a season when things are shaken. When change comes we live in an unshakeable kingdom if we are rooted and grounded in love. Change challenges our structures and purifies our hearts.
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Click here for the audio recording
A time of change is often a season when things are shaken. When change comes we live in an unshakeable kingdom if we are rooted and grounded in love. Change challenges our structures and purifies our hearts.
Click here for the article
Click here for the audio recording

Going Deeper
A series of study notes to help take you deeper into Father's love. These can either be used individually or as part of a group discussion. You are very welcome to download these as many times as necessary.
Click here for the article
A series of study notes to help take you deeper into Father's love. These can either be used individually or as part of a group discussion. You are very welcome to download these as many times as necessary.
Click here for the article

Living from a Free Heart
How can we live our daily lives being fathered by our Heavenly Father? This article will take you through practical aspects of living and growing in Father's love, particularly after something like INS.
Click here for the article
Click here for the audio recording
How can we live our daily lives being fathered by our Heavenly Father? This article will take you through practical aspects of living and growing in Father's love, particularly after something like INS.
Click here for the article
Click here for the audio recording

Reverse Culture Shock
Very often when we return home from an exciting trip away we go through the experience of reverse culture shock. The most important thing is to be able to live in the ongoing Homecoming experience where your heart hears the Father speak to you - "you are my beloved son or daughter".
Click here for the article
Click here for the audio recording
Very often when we return home from an exciting trip away we go through the experience of reverse culture shock. The most important thing is to be able to live in the ongoing Homecoming experience where your heart hears the Father speak to you - "you are my beloved son or daughter".
Click here for the article
Click here for the audio recording

The Greatest Of These Is Love
Paul tells us at the end of 1 Corinthians 12 that there is a more excellent way and that is the way of love. I think it's easy to misinterpret that and think we have to be loving or that it's something else we have to do. This article shows how we can pursue the 'most excellent way' and live in love.
Click here for the article
Paul tells us at the end of 1 Corinthians 12 that there is a more excellent way and that is the way of love. I think it's easy to misinterpret that and think we have to be loving or that it's something else we have to do. This article shows how we can pursue the 'most excellent way' and live in love.
Click here for the article

The Trinity
It seems to me that when we think about the Trinity we think about them in isolation from each other. We do not consider them as a single relational unit. In this article I look at the way the Trinity works and relates together and how we are drawn into this amazing relationship.
Click here for the article
It seems to me that when we think about the Trinity we think about them in isolation from each other. We do not consider them as a single relational unit. In this article I look at the way the Trinity works and relates together and how we are drawn into this amazing relationship.
Click here for the article