Barry Adams and I have done a teaching series which covers the foundational topics for us to know God as Father. In this series we lay a very clear Biblical foundation, not only of God being our Father, but also him being the Father who is loving us each and every day of our lives. Having laid this foundation we open the door for you to experience the Father's love for yourself. This is not a one-off experience but something we go on experiencing as we go deeper into the extravagant love of our Father.
In this series we help you see that God is your real Father and he longs to be a Father to YOU.
(We recommend watching them in order.)
In this series we help you see that God is your real Father and he longs to be a Father to YOU.
(We recommend watching them in order.)
1. The Biblical Revelation of Father (Mark Gyde) |
2. Like Father, Like Son (Barry Adams) |
3. Back To The Garden (Barry Adams) |
4. Redeeming The Orphan Heart (Mark Gyde) |
5. Forgiveness From The Heart (Mark Gyde) |
6. The Role Our Parents Play (Barry Adams) |
7. Living in Love (Mark Gyde) |
8. The Spirit of Sonship (Barry Adams) |
9. The Holy Spirit of Sonship (Mark Gyde) |
10. Embracing Our New Identity (Barry Adams)
11. Learning to live with a childlike heart
12. Carried by my Father
13. Living a Blessed Life
14. Living Freely and Lightly (Mark Gyde) |